May 27, 2009

Archiving of Audio Files at the Library of Congress

Another excellent article from; this one about the archiving standards at the Library of Congress going very retro:

Another interesting bit about how things last - the Library of Congress completed a study on the best medium for near-permanent archiving of their extensive audio collection.  Their conclusion - 78 RPM platters.

The ensuing article about this item of folklore is very in-depth and  realistic about the perils of transfering data from one medium to another.

May 18, 2009

A Fairy Tale Ending to Eurovision

The Norwegian (by way of Byelorus) entry to this year's Eurovision Song Contest held in Moscow won the grand prize.  Alexander Rybak - violinist and singer won with the song "Fairytale," which incorporates folkloric imagery from both Norway and Russia.  Surprisingly, this song garnered the highest vote tally of any Eurovision song ever.  Even more than Abba!

May 11, 2009

Obama and Swine Fly Urban Legend

Interesting urban legend going around asserting that the swine flu is a result of the Obama presidency, in terms of a fulfillment of the 'when pigs fly' prophecy!

Full story here on Snopes.

May 6, 2009

May Folklore Books

Books!  Books!  Books!

May 5, 2009

May 4, 2009

Beatification of an English Cardinal

I recently read an article Boston Globe (which, incidentally is probably not long for this world) suggesting that the Vatican confirmed a miracle in the case of a local man with back pain.  This is a major step in the sainthood hopes for Cardinal John Henry Newman, a 19th Century British Cardinal.  I was dubious of the report when I read it, but not as dubious as the blogger at Bostonist!

I know this doesn't have much to do with folklore, but I found it interesting nonetheless.  Stay tuned for updates on recent folklore books!