September 29, 2009

September Folklore Books, Part Deux

Now that the month is almost over, time to list the other notable books about folklore that came out this month. I still haven't recieved a copy of the book "Folklore and the Internet" yet, but I hope to have it in my mitts very soon! I better be cited.

September 26, 2009

American Idol and Folklore

I got so excited last time about the new book on Folklore and the Internet that I have forgotten to update the list of folklore books for the month of September - and September is almost over! I will catch up later - I ordered a copy of the book and hope to have it in my grubby hands within the week. I hope I am cited! If not, then shame on them.

What could American Idol possibly have to do with folklore? Interesting question. Last year's contestant Anoop Desai was a folklore graduate student. And the Smithsonian has just recently put a display of the American Idol desk up in the castle. A discussion of this development can be found at the marvelous folklore blog Forums on Folklore, which has been added to the official New Vernacular Culture blogroll.

September 7, 2009

September Folklore Books

Amazon this month lists 373 books coming out this month with the keyword "folklore." Here is the cream of that crop:

That last title got me so excited that I am running to the bookstore right now! I will have to finish this list later tonight.