April 10, 2011

Kindle and Folklore

I have long been a proponent of Googlebooks - among the millions of already-scanned books there are a lifetime's worth of books of interest to the folklore scholar.

Another resource that expands the resources of the folklorist without access to a university library is the Amazon Kindle store. There are thousands of public-domain books available for free download through the store. I received my Kindle for Christmas over a year ago, and I have filled it with dozens of folklore books.

A quick keyword search for "folklore" generated 90 free downloads. Most of the books date from the turn-of-the-last-century (late 18oos-early 1900s), but still are great reads. Many of these are duplicated in the Googlebook archive - but it is nice to have them formatted for the Kindle.

Some of the highlights available include Ralston's "Russian Fairy-Tales," "Storyology" by Benjamin Taylor, Gomme's "Folklore as an Historical Science," Charles Skinner's series "Myths and Legends of Our Own Land," and Andrew Lang's "The Clyde Mystery."

April 9, 2011

April Showers Bring a Pile of Folklore Books

The Yankees and Red Sox are in the 7th inning - but I am so devoted to the art of folkloristics that I am updating this silly blog. Here are the books coming out this month of interest to us like-minded people.