May 12, 2010

Cleaning the Cupboards!

Time to clean out my aggregator of folklore links!

  • The American Folklore Society newsletter for Folklore and Education is out and worth a browse.
  • Librarian Amy writes about the benefits of using folktales as a literacy tools in libraries servicing Latino communities.
  • Two of my favorite scholars - Bill Ellis and Gary Allan Fine - have collaborated on a book on rumor and terrorism. The new book is called "The Global Grapevine" - and everything these two fine writers do is worth reading.
  • Bruce Jackson recently presented the Botkin Lecture on the boundaries between photography and folklore as represented in photographs from Cummins Prison, where he did much fieldwork.
  • This is only tangentially folk, but it is super cool! Video of song Kostroma by Ivan Kupala!
  • The Huffpo passes along a fake book cover as a real Russian fairy tale book. I won't need to translate - the word 'caca' is universal!
  • Aktuellen has an article by Richard Kuehnel and Rado Lencek on the motif of living waters in Slavic folklore.

Folklore Books for May

If I ever get the time, I intend on doing a post about folklore books available for the Kindle and the iPad. Right now we are sticking with new releases of books printed on actual paper.